Friday, September 11, 2015

ADA Spokesperson Says Acids In Wines Can Dissolve Enamel.

In an article examining how wine consumption affects dental health, the New York Magazine (9/11, Rinkunas) reports that Dr. Matthew Messina, a spokesperson for the American Dental Association, said that “red is more directly staining,” although pink and white wine varieties can still discolor teeth through secondary staining due to wine’s acidity, which can dissolve enamel. When drinking wine, “the best-case scenario is to have wine with a meal (versus sipping it throughout the night), drink water to moisten your mouth and wash away what’s on the surface of your teeth, wait 30 minutes for saliva to do its thing, and then brush,” the article reports, adding that Dr. Messina recommends using an ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste to help strengthen teeth.